TextP2P Supports Linked Accounts
Additionally you can share credits with your linked accounts. This means you can buy add-on credits in bulk in your master account and distribute them to your linked subaccounts.
To link one or more accounts, simply go to the "Linked Accounts" menu under the avatar and click the "Link Account" big green button.
Create New Subaccount
To create a new subaccount just click the green button in the upper right corner that says "Create New Subaccounts".
Each subaccount cost just $5/month and it creates a Pay As You Go account which includes 1 TextP2P virtual phone number. Each subaccount is given 20 rollover credits as a 1 time credit for each new account.
Link Existing Account
To link an existing account as a subaccount to your account, simply click the green button that says "Link Existing Account". Then enter the login email address and login password for the existing account you wish to link. Optionally you can choose to assign credits from your account to subaccount at the time of linking or you can do it at any point in the future.
Note an account can only be linked to one account at a time.
Update Password or Add more credits to an existing account
To update an subaccount, simply click on the account name which is a hyperlink which launches the popup window as shown below. To add credits enter the number of credits in the text box that says "# of Credits", and then click update. The credits will be deducted from the master account and added to the subaccount.
You can also enable "Auto-replenish credits from master account". This sub account will also need the auto-replenishment enabled on their billing screen.
Log into a subaccount
After you successfully created a subaccount or linked an existing account, you can click the "Login" button to log into the user's account.
Log back into master account
To Log back into the master from a subaccount, click the menu item "Switch to Master" under the avatar.
If you have any additional questions or issues, please reach out to support@textp2p.com
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