Have you seen this error when trying to create a campaign or workflow? It says " Error: File size exceeded. All uploaded files must be less than 600 KB". This means your attached multimedia file exceeds the industry carrier standard of 600 KB. If you are trying to upload a image, I'll show you how to resize it in 3 simple steps without any special computer software.
Step 1: Use a free online site to resize the picture
Go to the following website: https://picresize.com/
Then select the Browse link to find your image or drag and drop it to the area provided. After the image is selected, click the "Continue to Edit Picture" button.
Step 2: Change size of image
I recommend selecting "Fit to screen: 800 resolution" in the drop down menu. To be safe that it is under 600KB you can also enter 550 in the JPG Max Filesize box. When complete, click the button that says "I'm Done, Resize my picture!"
Step 3: Save the Image to your computer
Select "Save to Disk" and the image will be saved to your computer. I recommend renaming the image so you know which one to upload into TextP2P.
After the image has been successfully saved to your computer, you can go back into your TextP2P campaign. If you click the green button for "Create Campaign" it should still have all your old data populated. Simply browse for the new image and select the resized image, and then hit save. The campaign should no longer show you the error and it should successfully save it to your list of campaigns.
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