Message Delivery - Unreachable destination handset
Possible Causes
- The destination handset you are trying to reach is switched off or otherwise unavailable.
- The device you are trying to reach does not have sufficient signal
- The device cannot receive SMS (for example, the phone number belongs to a landline)
- There is an issue with the mobile carrier
Possible Solutions
The first step to troubleshooting this issue is to attempt to replicate the problems. Attempt to send another test message to this user.
If you see similar results, continue troubleshooting with the following checklist: Is the destination device powered on? Does the device have sufficient signal? If not power the device off, wait 30 seconds, and then power it back up. Is the device connected to the home carrier's network? We cannot guarantee message delivery on devices roaming off-network.Can the device receive non-TextP2P SMS? Can the device receive messages from another TextP2P number, or with a shorter one-segment (non-concatenated) body? Can other devices using the same mobile carrier receive your messages?
If you can rule out all of the above issues, continue troubleshooting below.
Repeated Error 30003 results on undelivered messages sent from long codes (regular phone numbers) could be due to carrier filtering.
The rules for carrier filtering vary throughout the industry, making it difficult at times to pin down exactly why a message is being filtered out. For more details including potential workarounds, please see this Help Center article "How Does Carrier Filtering Work?"
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